Drink Less. Live More.®
If drinking too much is getting in the way of living your best life, you’re not alone.
It doesn’t have to be this hard.
The Sober Coaching Program That's Helped Over 1,400 Women Change Their Relationship With Alcohol
Here’s what you’ll find in the program
- The strategies + tools you need to stop drinking.
- A proven framework to help you navigate work + motherhood, stress + social situations, vacations + relationships without diving into a bottle of wine.
- Positive, practical & empowering coaching designed specifically for busy women with full lives and overflowing calendars.
- A 2-month jumpstart in our private member community with daily coaching support from Casey & monthly Q&A coaching calls.
- The support you need to move from Day 1 to 6 Months, 1 Year and Beyond.

This course was life changing for me.
I have had so many Day 1's - years and years of them.
I tried This Naked Mind and so many other courses and programs that didn't resonate with me.
But in The Sobriety Starter Kit® I finally found the tools and acknowledgement I needed.
Casey's coaching background and certification make a huge difference.
This program is more helpful than anything else I've seen.
My new goal is 1000 days!
– Jennifer, On Day 150 (now at one year alcohol-free)
- You’re a busy woman who has realized that drinking isn’t working in your life anymore.
- You've tried to moderate on your own and haven’t been successful.
- You’re looking for confidential and positive support to quit drinking with a clear road map for success and defined milestones along the way.
- You have a packed schedule with work, kids, errands and to-do lists. You can't work your life around group meetings or classes on evenings and weekends.
- You’re not into 12-step meetings, calling yourself an alcoholic or saying you’re powerless over alcohol.
- You want an empowering plan that will meet you where you are with resources, tools and guidance to get you where you want to be.
- You’re excited to see how amazing you can feel without alcohol!

I just hit 100 days alcohol-free and I've never felt better! The Sobriety Starter Kit® was instrumental in helping me hit this milestone.
I loved that the course was so positive with practical tools to make life without alcohol really great.
A lot of the approaches out there seem sad or dark and The Sobriety Starter Kit is the exact opposite of that. It’s happy and sparkly!
I'll keep coming back to the course for refreshers and I'm so thankful for you!!!
– Ellen
What makes The Sobriety Starter Kit® different?
The Sobriety Starter Kit® is a 4-Step Coaching Process to break free of drinking and step away from alcohol as your constant companion.
You'll learn
- HOW to stop drinking - without white-knuckling it or relying on willpower, fear or shame.
- Exactly what you should do on Day 1 + 2, Day 5, Day 16, 30, 60, 90, 180 and all the rest.
- The specific framework you need to break the habit of drinking.
- How to enjoy, relax and cope with life without alcohol, in real-life situations.
The Sobriety Starter Kit® is a complete how-to and strategy program.
I'll take you through the exact steps I do every day with my one-on-one private coaching clients - at a fraction of the cost.

Today is 100 Days Alcohol-Free!!!
It feels kind of surreal, and honestly - it feels like it’s been too easy!
However I put that down to the kick ass Sobriety Starter Kit® program.
It gave me perspective, mindset, tools, vision, support and accountability to get me on my way and set me free.
Thank you!
– Kelly
By the end of this program, you'll be able to:
- Confidently navigate our drinking obsessed culture - without a buzz
- Overcome drinking triggers that have tripped you up in the past
- Sit with your emotions when you’re lonely or angry, frustrated or overwhelmed
- Self-soothe without a drink
- Enjoy date nights, vacations and holidays without alcohol
- Discover all the things you love in life that have been crowded out by drinking and hangovers

I’m in for the best price + 2 months FREE in our private community with group coaching!
(1 x $597)
I'm in for smaller monthly payments + 2 months FREE in our private community with group coaching!
(4 x $157)

I'm on Day 29 with the Sobriety Started Kit® and already I'm getting so much from this program!
Now for the first time I’m seeing that a life, completely alcohol free, is not only possible but actually my preferred path forward.
And I don’t feel like I’m giving something up or depriving myself of something.
– Tanya


Step 1: Build Your Sober Foundation
You'll learn how to:
- Assess your environment, what you drink, when you drink, your work and home schedule, routines and habits so you can break your habit of drinking in a simple and easy way.
- Understand your triggers so you can minimize them.
- Know what to eat, drink, and have on hand so you don’t feel deprived.
- Plan for your first few days, your first weekend and second week so you can get through the hardest part and not start over.
- Survive cravings during the witching hour so they’ll get easier, shorter and less frequent.
- Track and celebrate your progress so that you’ll feel pride in your accomplishments.
- Reward yourself for the work you’re doing without alcohol so that not drinking feels like true self care.

I love this course! It's essential for every woman who wants to stop drinking.
It's a step-by-step approach that's full of the most important, basic and fundamental elements you need to step away from alcohol.
I love Casey's approach. She's upbeat, inspiring, practical and she's helped me take my power back.
– Marta (now at one year alcohol-free)

Step 2: Strengthen Your Sober Muscles
You'll learn how to:
Talk to your partner, friends, family, children and co-workers about this “not drinking thing” so that you’ll feel comfortable and empowered.
Avoid labels and judgement (your own and those of others) so that you’ll feel proud and strong of your decision not to drink.
- Navigate drinking events - holidays, vacations, date nights, dinner parties, barbeques, book clubs and business trips so that you feel confident in engaging in your life.
Establish boundaries and overcoming people-pleasing tendencies so that you avoid overwhelm, resentment and exhaustion.
Set up a self-care routine that works for you, your schedule and life so that you’re able to decompress and enjoy your life - not just tolerate your responsibilities.
Plan for triggers that have tripped you up in the past so that you’ll avoid drinking (+ starting over).
- Work through evolving relationships with the people in your life.
Find sources of sober support that work for you so you don’t feel alone.

The Sobriety Starter Kit® is awesome and so different from other programs.
I love how Casey frames stopping drinking as not being a 'doom and gloom' situation but rather as a gift to yourself to get excited about.
I just hit 4 weeks without alcohol and this course has been a game changer for me!
I am beyond grateful!
– Melanie (now at one year alcohol-free)

Step 3: Create An Alcohol-Free Life You Love
You'll learn how to:
- Dig deep into your beliefs around alcohol, how it is part of your identity and personality so that you can recognize how they’ve been sabotaging your success.
- Plan date nights, adventures, and fun without alcohol.
- Release your own judgement and labels about the choice to stop drinking so that you can let go of fears about what other people think, and the idea that others will believe you have “a problem”.
- Reframe quitting drinking as positive and empowering – a choice you are making to improve your life so that you can truly take care of yourself, your health, and your happiness.
- Get excited about what life will look like without drinking, the incredible person you are without alcohol and the life you will live.
- Address your fears about what not drinking will mean for your social life and relationships so that you can create deeper and more fulfilling relationships with the people you love.
- Look forward towards your future and build a life you love without alcohol. You’ll be happier, healthier, more confident and have the time, energy and clarity to achieve anything you set out to do!

After many years of trying to stop drinking, this time feels different.
The tools in the course are amazing! The framework of The Sobriety Starter Kit® makes so much sense.
Even my husband, an everyday drinker for the last 30 years, listens when he’s in ear shot. He’s on Day 5 today!
– Sarah

Step 4: Guard Against Relapse and Protect Your Sober Momentum
You'll learn how to:
- Maintain emotional sobriety so that you know how to 'not drink' over boredom, anger, irritation, resentment, hurt and sadness.
- Navigate unexpected and stressful sobriety challenges so that you don’t have to start over.
- Recognize the signs of “pre-lapse” so that you can take care of yourself, avoid overwhelm and double down on sobriety fundamentals when times get hard.
- Come back from a drinking slip and restart quickly so that you don't go days or weeks drinking over a set back.
- Avoid self-sabotaging behavior so that you can replace old patterns with new responses, for positive outcomes.
- Understand PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) so that you know when to expect it, how to recognize it and manage the symptoms without drinking.

Casey!!! I just hit Day 134 alcohol-free and it’s the longest sobriety streak in my life!
I’m doing great and it is because of The Sobriety Starter Kit®.
Even when things happen that leave me feeling sad, disappointed and angry, I dig into the pre-lapse lessons in the course instead of drinking.
So many of the lessons in The Sobriety Starter Kit® help me navigate hard times without numbing out.
I’m using all the tools you taught me to get through my first 30 days without alcohol.
I don’t want another day one and know that I’m a BADASS for not drinking, even when life isn't perfect.
Thank you for the amazing lessons in The Sobriety Starter Kit®!
– Judy
Hey there, I'm Casey
I'm a certified professional life + sobriety coach whose work has been featured on Good Morning America, NPR, The New York Times, HuffPost, CNN and NBC News.
I'm the host of The Hello Someday Podcast, a Top 100 Mental Health Podcast for sober curious women.
I specialize in working with women like you, with full calendars and overflowing to-do lists, who are doing ALL THE THINGS and then coming home and drinking to forget about all the things.
I've helped thousands of women turn the decision to stop drinking from their worst-case scenario to the best decision of their lives.
If you're ready to turn the page on drinking and create a life you love without alcohol, I'd love to help you get there.
Want to know more about me? You can watch a video about my story below.

My Training
I received my Certified Professional Coach (CPC) designation and my Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner Certification (ELI-MP) through iPEC, the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. iPEC is one of the largest and most respected International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited coach training programs in the world. I am also a SHE RECOVERS® Coach, which means that I am trained in and my work aligns with the SHE RECOVERS® Intentions & Guiding Principles.

I started the Sobriety Starter Kit® course on my (one-millionth or so) Day 1 and am on Day 100 today!
I can’t remember the last time I went six days without drinking, much less 14 weeks.
For years the idea of not drinking ever again has been looming over me as the biggest, hardest, most impossible thing.
Casey’s course breaks down that big undoable thing into manageable chunks. I loved having Casey’s voice guiding me and encouraging me every day.
I do not have the words to adequately convey how much this course has changed my life.
– Melissa (now at THREE YEARS alcohol-free)
What's inside the course
Here's everything we'll cover in 8 modules of The Sobriety Starter Kit®

1. How To Avoid The Mistakes Most Women Make In Trying To Stop Drinking
The 5 mindset hacks you need to think differently about not drinking. Understand the reasons that this coaching program is easier, more rewarding and more effective than a 30 Day “Challenge”, an Alcohol “Experiment” or a “One Day At A Time” approach. Dive into best practices to get the most out of your program.

2. The Fundamentals of Building Your Sober Foundation
No more guessing about what to eat and drink to reduce cravings - you’ll know exactly what drinks to have on hand, what to eat and when to eat in early sobriety. Create a detailed plan for your day, the witching hour and evenings so that you’re able to get through challenges and triggers without drinking. Learn the step-by-step process for identifying treats and rewards that are not alcohol so that you feel rewarded and indulged, not deprived.

3. Your Quick Start Guide For Your First 2 Weeks
A detailed plan for you to navigate Days 1-3, 4 + 5, your first weekend and week 2 with me holding your hand each step of the way. Understand why you physically want to drink and what to do about it. Implement the best practices for evenings, bedtime + sleep. What you need to know about willpower (and why it doesn’t work). How to recognize your ‘addictive voice’ and take away its power. What to do about feeling blah or bored.

4. Your Reason, Vision, Habits, Triggers, Environment + Support
How to make this time different and actually stop drinking. A map for outlining the reason you want to stop drinking and your vision for your amazing life without alcohol. Get real about your habits, triggers and daily schedule that drives you to drink. Take stock (and uplevel) your physical and social environment so you stop setting yourself up for failure. Exactly how to make yourself accountable and get support without labeling yourself or drawing too much attention to this ‘not drinking’ thing.

5. How to Break Out The Drinking Cycle Using The 4 Laws of Behavior Change
How to apply the science of behavior change to break out of the drinking cycle. The 4 laws you need to apply to break a bad habit. How to create your “implementation intention” plan so that it sticks and why you need to focus on your trajectory, not your goal. How to let go of the myth that you’ve been failing because you lack motivation or willpower. How to create a positive, powerful, identity-based habit that will overcome triggers and temptation.

6. Building Sober Muscles + Momentum
The specific tools you need in your sober toolbox. How to manage anger, loneliness, boredom, resentment, anxiety and joy without drinking. What emotional sobriety is and how it can help. The three different types of people who respond to you when you tell them you’re not drinking - and how to handle them. How to turn a drinking breakdown into a breakthrough. The natural impulse to self-sabotage and how to overcome it.

7. Navigating Sobriety Challenges
How to navigate the mommy wine culture and drinking work culture without losing your friends. Exactly how to plan for holidays, events, parties, dinners out and date nights without alcohol and enjoy them. Understanding PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) what it is, how it feels and when it can hit. How to protect your sober momentum when the going gets tough. How to recover from a sobriety setback.

8. Create A Life You Love
How to crush your fears about not drinking and limiting beliefs about life without alcohol. Creating your personal vision of who you are and what you can do now that you’re out of the drinking cycle. How to keep your vision front and center and bring it to life. How to keep ‘not drinking’ exciting and rewarding when the pink cloud fades.

This course is awesome and worth every penny!
I wish I'd found Casey's program earlier because it's 100x easier to stop drinking with her resources, guidance, prompts and information.
– Morgan (now at 8 months alcohol-free)
So how much does it cost?
When you join Sobriety Starter Kit ® you'll get lifetime access to
✨ My signature 4-Step sober coaching framework that's helped over 1,300 women love alcohol-free life
✨ 8 step-by-step sober coaching modules
✨ Over 70 video lessons
✨ Exclusive workshops, resources + guides to help you get started right away
✨ A mobile app and private podcast to access support whenever you need it
- Mistakes Most Women Make In Quitting Drinking ($147 Value)
- The Fundamentals Of Building Your Sober Foundation ($147 Value)
- Your Quick Start Guide - Weeks 1 + 2 ($147 Value)
- Your Reason, Vision, Habits, Triggers, Environment + Support ($147 Value)
- The 4 Laws of Behavior Change ($147 Value)
- Building Sober Muscles, Momentum + Staying the Course ($147 Value)
- Navigating Sobriety Challenges ($147 Value)
- Creating a Life You Love ($147 Value)
- The Guide To Awesome Sober Treats ($42 Value)
- Empowered Boundaries Workshop with Codependency Coach Hailey Magee ($137 Value)
- Summer, Fall + Holiday Bucket List Guides ($32 Value Each)
- Weekly + Daily Alcohol-Free Life Planners ($49 Value)
- The Ultimate Guide To Non-Alcoholic Beverages by Zero Proof Nation ($49 Value)
- My Diary Of Early Sobriety From Day 1 To Day 100 ($42 Value)
- Guided Breathwork + Meditation Practices To Support Sobriety From Sun + Moon Sober Living ($99 Value)
- Members Only Private Course Podcast ($99 Value)
- How To Manage Sugar Cravings + Nutrition For Recovery Workshop ($137 Value)
- What to Expect When You Stop Drinking Training by Gill at Sober Powered ($49 Value)
- Your Sober Vision Board Kit ($42 Value)
- How To Overcome Alcohol Cravings Course ($137 Value)
- Bonus: 2-Month Jump Start In Private Community with My Daily Support ($54 Value)
- Bonus: 2 Extra Coaching Q+A Events ($194 Value)
I’m in for the best price + 2 months FREE in our private community with group coaching!
(1 x $597)
I'm in for smaller monthly payments + 2 months FREE in our private community with group coaching!
(4 x $157)
Guaranteed Safe Checkout

I want you to be 100% confident when you enroll in Sobriety Starter Kit®
There's literally no risk involved because you're backed by my 7-day money-back guarantee!
If you don't love it, I'll refund your money - no questions asked.

This course is the best value for all the money I have spent on this journey to sobriety over the past several years. I have spent way more money on other programs and they just didn't work for me. This is exactly what I needed!
– Amanda

Casey's Sobriety Starter Kit® has made ALL the difference in my sobriety journey.
I had been struggling to quit drinking for nearly 2 years, but after listening to Casey and working through the SSK, everything shifted for me.
I'm nearly 8 months alcohol-free now, and it feels like my new normal. I'm so grateful!
If you're questioning your alcohol use do yourself a favor and get this program!
– Hazel (now at one year alcohol-free)
Let me teach you the tried and true secrets of creating and living a life you don’t want to escape from.
I went from drinking every single day (and not knowing how I could even go a couple of days without) with hangovers to not drinking at all during the week and feeling amazing about it.
I still enjoy some drinks on the weekend but my drinking is so much more controlled.
The shift I have already made has completely transformed my life!
Now I want to go completely alcohol-free and I know I have the tools and knowledge to do it!
– Tanya

For the first time in 12 years I feel happy and exited to be living alcohol-free. This course is truly one of the most helpful programs I have ever done!
– Nancy
Are you ready to see how good you can feel without alcohol?
I’m in for the best price + 2 months FREE in our private community with group coaching!
(1 x $597)
I'm in for smaller monthly payments + 2 months FREE in our private community with group coaching!
(4 x $157)

I found Casey’s Sobriety Starter Kit® and it’s changed my life already. I just hit my longest sober streak in 4 decades and I feel good!
Thank you Casey. Your program is everything I needed. It’s remarkably comprehensive and so very relevant to the desires of anyone wanting to quit drinking.
– Janet
Sobriety Starter Kit® FAQs
I’m sober curious but not sure I want to stop drinking completely. Is The Sobriety Starter Kit® for me?
Sobriety Starter Kit® can absolutely support you, both in taking a break from alcohol and in re-thinking and re-evaluating your relationship with alcohol... Read More
Will you be there to support me as part of the program? Is there a community or group coaching?
Yes! The SSK has a private course community where I can support you through the sobriety starter kit program! ... Read More
How will this purchase show up on my credit card statement?
Your purchase will show up as Hello Someday Coaching. There will be no record of purchasing "Sobriety Starter Kit® ... Read More
I’m pretty busy. Do I need to make it to scheduled lessons or group calls?
Nope. You won’t have to match up your schedule with ANY ‘set’ meetings or lessons at 8pm ET or 5pm PT... Read More
I want to stop drinking but I don’t think I’m an alcoholic. Is that an issue?
Absolutely not. I don’t believe that you need to think that you’re an alcoholic or that you have a ‘serious drinking problem’ to decide that drinking isn’t working for you in your life... Read More
Do the Sobriety Starter Kit® lessons have to be completed in a specific time or is this self-paced?
There is no timeline to complete the lessons. The Sobriety Starter Kit® is completely self-paced... Read More
How long do I have access to the course?
You get LIFETIME access to The Sobriety Starter Kit® online course... Read More
Do I have to start the course today or can I start at a later time?
The great thing about The Sobriety Starter Kit® course is that you can start immediately or at a later date when you are ready to get started... Read More
Can I go back to earlier lessons once I’ve worked through them?
Absolutely. You have complete access to all lessons in the course - and there are definitely times and situations where you’ll want to revisit a lesson you’ve completed earlier... Read More
If I do private coaching with you, do I get The Sobriety Starter Kit® course as part of the one-on-one package?
I'm taking a break from private coaching to give all my support to the SSK Members and Community... Read More
This program can change your life.
But don’t take it from me...
Here’s what other Sobriety Starter Kit® graduates have said

After spending 10+ years of my adult life drinking, it was catching up to me. I desperately didn't want to quit drinking, I also knew that SOMETHING needed to change.
The Sobriety Starter Kit® gave me a framework to guide me in my journey, and the voice of someone who has been there and gets it.
The course helped me get through those difficult first days and gave me solid recommendations that work for tricky situations like parties and weddings.
I love that Casey helps you build a life you don't feel you need to escape from, with sobriety as a steady base.
– Erin (now at one year alcohol-free)

I’m on Day 90 today!
I’ve had a lot of failed attempts before this, but the support of the Sobriety Starter Kit® has been a game changer.
I don’t feel like I quit anything. I feel like I found something I’d lost.
Thank you Casey!
Even though we have never met in person you have been integral in changing my life forever.
– Christa (now at over 500 Days alcohol-free)
I’m in for the best price + 2 months FREE in our private community with group coaching!
(1 x $597)
I'm in for smaller monthly payments + 2 months FREE in our private community with group coaching!
(4 x $157)

The Sobriety Starter Kit® was the uplifting, practical and heartfelt guide I needed to put down the wine bottle.
Before I found this course I felt overwhelmed, resentful, depleted and waking up in the middle of the night stressed out by everything on my to-do list.
As a busy working mom I thought wine was “making my life better".
The Sobriety Starter Kit® helped me feel revived, empowered and free! It even helped me get through my first sober vacation in 16 years.
I just hit 65 days and am going to a yoga retreat this weekend to celebrate my new healthy life.
This course is a gold mine of amazing content.
– Sara

I'm on Day 51 today and The Sobriety Starter Kit® has helped me BEYOND BELIEF!
Last night I went to a wedding & didn’t drink! Same on Easter, Mother’s Day, friends over, date nights, etc...
I’ve tried all the things before and haven’t been able to stop drinking. I went to AA (many times) and even tried an out-patient program 15 years ago.
But with The Sobriety Starter Kit® course I have finally (happily) broken free.
My life is so much better now.
When I was drinking I managed to take care of my home, my husband, my job, and go to yoga and spin classes, but I was becoming very sick.
My emotions were all over the place, I couldn’t sleep & didn’t know how others could handle life because “one more thing” would send me over the edge.
This course helped me realize that I wasn’t “the problem”. Alcohol was the problem. And by following every step you outlined in the course I was able to get away from it! Thank you Casey!
– Chrissy

I started this course 300 days ago and I have been sober every one of those 300 days!
Casey and her course saved my life.
I re-visit modules whenever I need a reminder, a boost or a tool.
10 out of 10! I highly recommend The Sobriety Starter Kit®!
– Mel (now at over one year alcohol-free)

Day 110!!!
I found The Sobriety Starter Kit® when I was becoming increasingly concerned about my drinking.
I knew I couldn't moderate but I also couldn't imagine life without alcohol.
I signed up for Casey's course and it's been a total game-changer.
The Sobriety Starter Kit has helped me feel amazing, proud and resolute in my decision to remove alcohol from my life.
Casey held my hand through the entire process of breaking the alcohol cycle. The Sobriety Starter Kit Is loaded with tools and practical advice.
There is no way I would be happily sober today without the support in Casey's coaching course.
– Heidi

Today is Day 100!
I started the Sobriety Starter Kit® and completed it start to finish.
You have created the most incredible tool for women who want to stop drinking! I love the focus on habit change and celebrating your wins.
My birthday was last week and I woke up feeling so proud of what I've done and where I'm going.
I love how my skin looks. I'm finally losing the weight I gained from drinking. And it was a relief to wake up without the burden of knowing that booze was something I still needed to tackle.
Most of all I'm so happy that my 3 year old now has a Mama who puts her health first and models mental, physical and spiritual health.
Casey, I want to thank you from the deepest part of my soul for being the voice and providing the tools that helped me finally say "Fuck this. I want better!"
– Mary
If you've made it this far you owe it to yourself to experience the health and happiness you deserve without alcohol in your life.
There has never been a better time to get started.
Don’t let another week go by stuck in the drinking cycle.
If what you've been doing up until now hasn't been working, it's time to add more support.
Plus you've got my 7-Day money-back guarantee - so you literally have nothing to lose!
If you have any questions please send me an email. I'm here to help!
Important: The role of The Sobriety Starter Kit, Community and Hello Someday Coaching Services is not to provide medical services, or to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, condition, or other physical or mental ailments.
The Sobriety Starter Kit is to be used for educational and inspirational purposes only. The Sobriety Starter Kit Course + Community is not intended for individuals physically dependent on alcohol, and offers no guarantee of your personal success. You are guided, not forced to do the work. Please make sure to read and agree to our terms and conditions page.